Accord Software, Inc.

Interface Definition Language, IDL

The purpose of an IDL is to define a protocol between client and server processes so that they can communicate with each other at a level higher than simple byte strings in a heterogeneous networking environment.

Each IDL has a specification, typically specified in BNF form, and a compiler. The compiler or the generator takes as its input an IDL file and generates code, usually C/C++, which in effect implements one or more IPC mechanisms between client and server. The compiler also generates the necessary client and server stubs.

AccordSTAR Generator uses C Language itself as its IDL, known as CIDL and pronounced seedle.

Given that C language is a standard, then it follows that CIDL, which is a pure subset of is C, is also by default a defacto Internet standard. CIDL Specification explains in more detail how C is used as an IDL language.

Another example of IDL and its code generator is RPCL/RPCGEN.

Are you using the best IDL? Here are some questions you can ask yourself and tutorials to study to help you decide.
[P-010] Updated March 14, 1996
Copyright © 1996 Accord Software, Inc. All rights reserved.